The Northwest is abundant with the Modern Composers concerts and series this Winter/Spring!
Some of you may know of Alex Ross from his column in the New Yorker covering classical music
and modern composers and his much lauded book that was published last year on the history of
20th Century Classical & early Electronic Music:
Link to "The Rest is Noise" site
And he's in Seattle at On The Boards as the curator for this night of New American Chamber Music:
Link to OTB "World in Collision" site
Of greater interest and rarity - the following day at Seattle Art Museum is the performance of many
of the major dedicated works of one last century's greatest pre-minimalist composers and
compatriot of John Cage; Morton Feldman. In the for of the "Morton Feldman Marathon":
Link to Seattle Art Museum "Morton Feldman Marathon" site
And lastly, Vancouver's New Music series is bringing Helmut Lachenmann to BC in late March/
Early April for a concert series. With Lachenmann in attendance:
Link to NewMusic Vancouver Concert Series site
Along with a rare series of performances by pianist Frederic Rzewski.
Follow the 'Performance Series' link there for more infos.